Comedy Shows I Have Watched
Sometimes you just need something to cheer you up. For me in 2019 that was Stand-up Comedy!
Short pieces from each show

Before you invest in subscriptions...
I will share a little bit about each of the comedians and what kind of humour and talents they use. Just to skip the ones that you may think you wouldn’t like and to start with the ones that relate the most to you.
...I wake up many days terrified at the notion that he is President of the most powerful nation in the world. But I also must admit I wake up many days, knowing that he's gonna make me laugh. Yeah, there's terror and there's joy and I don't know how to feel.
- Trevor Noah (about Trump)
Trevor Noah
He really is my favourite. I found him 1 year ago when I was visiting my mom for her birthday in Bermuda and I went ballistic :D And I mean that in the best possible way but I started watching his stand-up, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, even considered going to South Africa in February 2020 for a charitable tennis event. I am not a tennis fan, I should say that :) He is from a mixed race family, tall, handsome, extremely funny and talented, smart and just seems like he has not only a very friendly personality but also good moral compass and he’s not afraid to state it. Toxic masculinity level: -10. This gives him like extra 1000 points as a human being, let alone – a man!
My Fav Shows
Son of Patricia
Born in South Africa, living in the USA he’s throwing himself in the depths of these different experiences. Talks about being black, racism, he’s doing great accents and “the authentic Balinese experience” is my fav part.
Afraid of the Dark
Goes deeper into accents and their connotations with some terrific presidential impressions. And some more politics – nationalism, racism. Doesn’t sound fun… but it’s HILARIOUS!
Loud & Clear
This is his new show and he will be touring in 2020 around the world to present it. Can’t wait and I am planning to go to Brussels for it. Let me know if you are going too :)) Tickets still available in the link below.
Specifics about his talents and humor
- He is amazing with accents. Some of them are Russian, French, British, American, Indonesian, South African & more
- He is very into political topics and does many amazing impersonations like Obama, Trump and many others. He is the host of "The Daily Show with Trevor Noah" which is a hilarious political show on Comedy Central
- He talks a lot about racism, inclusivity, history and prejudice
- He has in interesting story (book "Born a Crime"), coming and being born in South Africa in a mix-raced family, which was a crime when he was born. Moving to America and his experience for both these worlds are other main topics in his stand-up
- He doesn't do many improvisations on his stand-ups but he likes to experiment while traveling and gathers experiences for his new shows. Like he chooses an accent for the day and speaks with it the whole time.
I don't like it... I think it's creepy. The next time when a guy calls me "baby" in bed, I'll be like "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"... and then I just shit my pants, just to make a POINT!
- Whitney Cummings
Whitney Cummings
I know I know. If you haven’t heard about her yet, I guess her name is going to seem funny. Good, we’ve all been there and she’s heard it all, so let’s get this out of the way, laugh it out and let’s continue… laughing with her! So is energetic, totally crazy, amazing skin and hair (WOW!) and this is why she sometimes makes my day. I follow her on Instagram, which is fun, honest and involves a looot of animals and she also has a podcast and a book. Whitney is also the doctor in the movie “The Female Brain“. Whitney has gone through some rough stuff and she tells about it in her book “I’m Fine… and Other Lies“. In her stand-up – she has no censorship. Just FYI for the more sensitive ones of you. She tends to yell a bit more when presenting, but this is just her style. I have warned you, so let’s dig in!
My Fav Shows
I'm Your Girlfriend
It’s about guys, girls, prejudice and stereotypes in a hilarious, very honest way. Lots of concepts like age, what is sexy, goals achieving, dating, power dynamics, etc. are stripped apart by Whitney in her own sarcastic way with many expressive funny faces accompanying it.
Can I Touch It?
Robots! Sex robots! Yes, and also about the changing times we live in and what kind of transition all of us are (or should be) going though. Who knew that a take on harassment stories at work could be that … guiltily funny… Never the less, she measures men and women with the same direct and funny merit, which is great.
Specifics about her talents and humor
- She plays with irony and sarcasm very well and she is brutally honest
- Playing with the audience is one of my fav things! She does it soo well and with confidence and it's always hilarious
- You can consider her rude, I think she is refreshing and I like that she has no censorship. Also she is beautiful and doesn't take sh*t.
- Animal lover, human empowerment or should I say - she exposes the worst about all of us, no matter a man or a woman :D
- A sleek feministic touch
You have to put your email address on the back of the invite so my friends can email in their dietary requirements. White people dietary requirements... Holy f*ck. There's no dietary requirements! Chinese weddings in Malaysia - there's no dietary requirements! Chinese weddings in Malaysia - everyone shows up, we eat, some people die and then we go home. MAKES THE RACE STRONGER! We are not customizing meals for WEAK GENES.
- Ronny Chieng
Ronny Chieng
Everything is stupid :D He is hilarious in his own unemotional way. As his wife says – everything he says sounds sarcastic and angry. And it’s true in his stand-up comedy, it’s also true in his segments on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah where he gives his take on the local news in a very… angry and sarcastic way, obviously :D Short video – summary of “stupid 2019” included in the playlist above.
His Special
Asian Comedian Destroys America
Starts more relaxing and funny until it gets sarcastically hilarious and sooo amusing. He talks about New York culture, Asian culture and planning 3 weddings at the same time in 3 different locations around the world, while you are on the other part of the world. Irony and sarcasm levels 100!
Specifics about his talents and humor
- She plays with irony and sarcasm very well and she is brutally honest
- Playing with the audience is one of my fav things! She does it soo well and with confidence and it's always hilarious
- You can consider her rude, I think she is refreshing and I like that she has no censorship. Also she is beautiful and doesn't take sh*t.
There was this one station manager and I quote "No one's gonna watch it. No one's gonna watch a lesbian during the day".
So staring season 16 this year...
It turns out they'll watch a lesbian during the day
- Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres
She truly is relatable and is not shying away of talking about the reality of being famous, rich, gay but also being a human overall. Ellen has that style of saying something inspiring and then saying something that we are all thinking and she says it with such an ease and unpretentious way. Her story is not only quite extraordinary and revolutionary for the time, but also so publical and before our eyes, this is way we can all relate to her pain, struggles and successes. I admire her in many ways and was extremely excited when I saw she had a stand-up show so here it is:
Her Special
Her story is so well-known but she touches it in a very casual way during this Netflix special. She talks about stereotypes, celebrity friends, commercials and how after all we are all human in a hilarious and yes – so relatable way! Also talking about things we all think/see but don’t discuss as much.
Specifics about her talents and humor
- Being gay and vegan and how both of these create awkward social interactions.
- Casual, chill, down to Earth and relatable while being famous, extremely successful and rich
- She is a big animal lover, cats in particular
- Focused on stereotypes, truths we all know, but we don't talk a lot and its so hilarious
What's a garter?... It looks like I put a mini tennis skirt on a Christmas ham. It hurts. And it's tight, of course it's tight - it's meant to hold up clothing. Right now all it's holding up is that blood flow.
- Iliza
Quite opposite of Ellen – she is loud and I think she looks a lot like Christina Applegate. She starts each of her specials with her dog going through the stage and it’s so cute. So it’s safe to say she is a dog lover. Iliza (35 yo) got engaged and married around the time when these shows take place so she talks a lot about it and the typical questions people ask, struggles and hilarious situations that can happen to you during that time. Sometimes she can be too much but I personally enjoy this about her – it’s refreshing to see a lady acting with different animal impressions or ones of annoying people.
My Fav Shows
Weddings and all the ridiculousness that comes with them. It’s so fun and she makes this weird animal-like noise that she manages to implement in each of her shows. Weird but entertaining.
Elder Millennial
Millennials, how women “don’t try too hard” to find a man… She’s still engaged her and so she talks about stereotypes about women, men, relationships, millennials, etc. And the old lady impression is interesting as well :D
Specifics about her talents and humor
- Fast talker
- Animal-like impressions and other people impressions as well (sounds, posture, ect.) - ages, sex, doesn't matter
- She can be rough around the ages and quite loud. I like this.
- Stereotypes, stupid people, awkward situations and overall relationships are her main topics
- A sleek feministic touch
Sometimes the funniest thing to say is mean... You know what I mean? Tough position to be in. So I say a lot of mean things, but you guys gotta remember: I’m not saying it to be mean. I’m saying it because it’s funny. And everything’s funny ’till it happens to you.
- Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle
Sometimes I even feel a little bit uncomfortable listening to him as his truths are so painfully honest. Also he has some racial slurs and ZERO censorship so he could be a bit too much. I heart that ones Will Smith was trying out stand-up and he was warming up the crowd before Dave Chappelle – can’t wait to see! But for now, I have one show (or a mix of two, on Netflix) that I liked and watched the whole thing that I want to recommend to you. His story is quite interesting since he quit comedy and his come back is quite an important thing, knowing the circumstances and his story (see this link as well if interested).
His Show(s) I Saw
Equanimity & The Bird Revelation
These are actually 2 shows that Netflix put on one “playlist” in a way. I personally think that “The Bird Revelation” is more disrupting but also more fun. Raw and painfully honest. Still if you don’t follow many events happening in the public life in America, it would be difficult to follow the narrative he’s talking about in these specials (Harvey W. & Kevin Spacey scandals, VP Mike P. is mentioned, etc).
Specifics about his talents and humor
- Rude and honest to his bones so you may cringe a bit from time to time
- Casual and somehow bad ass - smoking on stage and stuff
- Comedy background and years of experience, scandal and stuff - history that is quite impressive
- Some racial hits, some #metoo hits, etc. Too honest. Really funny.
Tina Fey & Amy Poehler
Not axactly stand-up and not exactly watched only in 2019, but years back… but if you don’t know about these two I really shouldn’t help you with this, I feel you should figure some stuff out on your own :D Just joking, but if you really missed these two it makes me wonder – where have you been? Quit watching bg news channels and lets have some fun :)) Tina & Amy are comedians, TV duo for many many years, have hosted the Golden Globes 3 times, are SNL regulars and are HILARIOUS! I will give you just 2 links, but the Golden Globes mix of moments and their opening monologues are comedy GOLD! It’s quite long but so worth it – I rewatch it from time to time and it never gets old.
P.S. Specifically focus on one about George Clooney’s award and his wife :D
George Carlin
A legend, one of the best comedians of all time. He died in 2008 but his legacy is still with us today. He is honest, uncensored, direct and could be a bit rude. You can notice his sarcastic approach even by his pieces’ names “People Are Boring”, “Religion Is Bullsh*t”, “Life Is Worth Losing – Dumb Americans”, etc. And all of these are reasons we love him and still laugh at his famous jokes. Thank you, George!
He is timeless and I didn’t watch him in 2019, but rather 2009-2010 and rewatched many times after because it’s fun and relevant for our reality today as well.
Nikki Glaser
Too honest. She roasts a lot on Comedy Central, participating in different shows about comedy, roast battles and so on. Roasting celebrities like Bruce Willis, Alec Baldwin, etc. Also she has quite a bad mouth and talks too much about sex, being in her 30s and how to find a man, what she likes. She is fresh and down to Earth, honest and refreshing, very entertaining.
Amy Schumer
She brings laughs pretty much on her own expense. I mean she makes fun of herself in a way that no comedian I have ever seen before. yes, there were some scandals around her supposably “borrowing” some of her jokes from other comedians, but I don’t feel like it was too obvious and I still like her anyways. Amy plays with her own (and women’s overall) low self-esteem and exaggerates it in a quite funny and entertaining way. I liked “Growing” (first video) a bit more than “The Leather Special” (you can check them out on Netflix), this is why the second video is one of her very funny interviews, according to me.
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